Privacy & Legal Policy

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Copyright, Ownership and Attribution

The design and content of this website are the property of and copyright of O’Keeffe Family Mediation & Coaching. The content and information is for your personal, non-commercial use only. All information on this site, unless otherwise indicated, is written and produced by Dr. Gwenn O’Keeffe.


The information on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide specific medical advice, legal advice, or substitute for medical advice from a physician or other qualified medical professionals, or anyone in the legal field. 

Nothing contained on this website or any answer to any question shall create, or shall be deemed to create a doctor-patient relationship, legal relationship, nor shall we be responsible for or assume liability alleged to arise from your use of the website or the content thereof.


We respect the privacy of users of this site and do not request personal information or collect information via cookies. Contact information which you may voluntarily provide in communicating with us is not shared with third parties and is used only for the stated purposes of this web site.  Currently, we are using Google Analytics to analyze the audience of the website and improve our content. No personal information is collected from Google Analytics. Further information on the privacy policy concerning Google Analytics can be found here.

Links to Other Sites

For the convenience of users, this site may provide links to other websites. We are not responsible for the content or for the privacy or other policies of such sites, and do note endorse or assume any liability for the content of, or services or products described in such other sites.

(updated April 2024)