Gwenn Schurgin O’Keeffe, M.D., J.D., “Dr. Gwenn”, has been one of the leading voices in digital media and internet safety for twenty years. Dr. Gwenn uses her training as a pediatrician, family mediator and coach, to raise awareness on the many issues families face each day. Such topics include current health issues, legal issues impacting families, screen time, and social media use.
Staying current on new information has been a hallmark of Dr. Gwenn’s work. For example, Dr. Gwenn expertise in the digital world of kids started by her following the trends that were new at the time. She’s contacted often by academic groups, parenting groups and media outlets for lectures, interviews and input. Her award winning book, CyberSafe, provides information to families on the impact of the digital world of growing kids.
Dr. Gwenn also strives to provide information in the formate people actually use whether it be a website, social media or a newspaper article. In that spirit, Family Matters continues Dr. Gwenn’s podcast journey that started 20 years ago with A Dose of Dr. Gwenn. In addition to health topics, Family Matters will tackle additional issues on parents’ minds such as social media use in kids and conflict resolution.
What’s the ultimate goal of Family Matters? In a nutshell, Family Matters is a place to give people some insight into the daily issues we all face without having to ask Dr. Google.